Our Business
H2 Business

We aim to become an energy trading company that produces, delivers, stores, and utilizes hydrogen and electricity, and establish an energy production, sales, and supply system for both domestic and international markets. To achieve this, we are advancing the following three projects.
MOTENA-Sea(former ECO-SeTRA)Project
Our company’s flagship project in the H2 business involves the construction and operation of 238 gross tons hybrid sightseeing ship, for about 100 passengers, powered by a combination of hydrogen fuel cells and biodiesel fuel. This vessel, which was launched in September 2023 at the HONGAWARA SHIP YARD CO.,LTD in Fukuyama, Hiroshima Prefecture, is scheduled to commence operations around April 2024, based in the Kanmon Area, including Kitakyushu and Moji Ports. We aim to propose innovative and unconventional ways of utilizing ships that go beyond the traditional image of passenger vessels.

SeaEra Project
We are currently advancing a project to commercialize a barge-type hydrogen production plant that utilizes onshore electricity to electrolyze seawater, produce hydrogen, store it, and supply it, with the support of the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), in collaboration with three other parties, including our company.
SHE’s Project
A project involving seven parties, including our company, has been established to collectively explore the commercial operation of next-generation inland vessels that prioritize environmental considerations by introducing hydrogen-powered cargo ships. The primary objective of this project is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions generated by inland shipping while considering the Earth’s environment.