Our Business
Facility Maintenance Business
for National Oil Storage Vessels

Since the commencement of operations at the Shirashima National Petroleum Stockpiling Base to the present day, we have extensively applied the advanced maintenance techniques developed through our experience in shipping to the maintenance and management of storage vessel facilities. At Shirashima National Petroleum Stockpiling Base, we extensively deploy advanced maintenance techniques and play a significant role in the maintenance and management of storage vessel facilities. In the year 2000, we obtained certification for ISO 9001, the international standard for quality management systems (updated to ISO 9001:2015 in 2017). We continue to operate under this certification, aiming to enhance quality through ongoing maintenance and management of crude oil storage vessels while meeting the needs of our customers.
Key Operations
(1)Maintenance and Management Services
To ensure the safe and stable storage of crude oil and the ability to handle oil receipts and deliveries at any time, we conduct equipment inspections and maintenance, keeping all the facilities on the storage vessels in good working condition.
(2)Evaluation of New Technologies and Cost-effectiveness for Long-term Maintenance and Preservation
We are conducting investigations and evaluations, including new technologies, for the renewal of equipment and replacement parts, in response to the aging of facilities and structures, as well as component failures and production discontinuations, and making proposals accordingly.
(3)Overall Management of Inspection Work Conducted Every Five Years on Emptying Storage Vessels (700,000 kL each)
We are responsible for supervising and managing extensive construction tasks such as the installation of new temporary facilities, transportation of crane barges, placement of heavy machinery, and similar activities, acting in a supporting role for Shirashima Petroleum Reserves personnel.